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Parent Checklist for High School Seniors getting ready for College

Parent Checklist for High School Seniors getting ready for College

September 5, 2023CSG staff

Embarking on the journey from high school to college is a transformative experience that ushers in a blend of excitement, anticipation, and a touch of apprehension. As parents and guardians, we play a pivotal role in guiding our children through this significant transition, offering not only practical support but also a steady hand and a listening ear. From the initial sparks of research and application to the final preparations for dorm life and independence, each step along the way is a building block that shapes our children's futures.

In the pages that follow, you'll find a comprehensive and carefully curated checklist—a roadmap, if you will—to navigate the senior year and college application process. Divided into three distinct seasons, this guide provides a structured approach to supporting our children as they spread their wings and prepare to take flight into higher education.

Join us as we explore the late summer and early fall months, where the foundations are laid with college choices, application deadlines, and vital financial planning. Venture into the winter, a season of scholarship applications, decision-making, and the unveiling of financial aid award letters. Lastly, embrace the spring—a time of transition, final preparations, and heartfelt farewells.

By following this checklist, we strive not only to alleviate the complexities of the journey but also to foster a deeper connection with our children during this transformative period. Let's embark on this adventure together, ensuring that our support guides them toward a successful transition from high school seniors to college-bound scholars.

Late Summer:

  1. Finalize College List: Ensure your child has a well-researched list of colleges they plan to apply to. Consider factors like location, size, programs, and culture.
  2. Check Application Deadlines: Review application deadlines for each college on the list. Create a calendar with submission dates to help your child stay organized.
  3. Financial Planning: Begin discussing the financial aspect of college with your child. Research tuition costs, financial aid, scholarships, and any required forms like the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
  4. Campus Visits: If possible, plan college visits for your child to help them get a feel for each campus. Attend information sessions and tours together.
  5. Scholarship Research: Help your child research and apply for scholarships. Many scholarships have early fall deadlines, so make sure to keep track of these opportunities.
  6. Support Essay Writing: Encourage your child to start working on their college essays. Offer guidance, proofreading, and constructive feedback.

Early Fall:

  1. Recommendation Letters: Ensure your child has asked teachers, counselors, or mentors for recommendation letters. Follow up to make sure these are submitted on time.
  2. Complete Applications: Assist your child in completing and submitting applications well before deadlines. Double-check all components, including essays and supplemental materials.
  3. Submit FAFSA: Complete the FAFSA form as soon as possible after October 1st. This will determine your child's eligibility for federal financial aid.
  4. Manage Stress: Help your child manage any stress or anxiety related to the application process. Offer a supportive and understanding environment.
  5. Stay Informed: Stay updated on your child's progress and upcoming deadlines. Encourage open communication about their concerns or questions.
  6. Interview Prep: If interviews are part of the application process, help your child prepare by conducting mock interviews and providing feedback.
  7. Financial Aid Documents: If required, submit any additional financial aid documents requested by colleges.
  8. Celebrate Achievements: Take time to celebrate your child's achievements and hard work throughout the application process. Positive reinforcement can boost their confidence.
  9. Final Application Review: Before submitting applications, review them together to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  10. Plan College Visits: If your child is accepted to multiple colleges, plan follow-up visits to campuses for admitted student events.
  11. Plan Transition: Begin discussing practical aspects of college life, such as housing, meal plans, and other logistical details.

Remember that your support, encouragement, and guidance are invaluable to your child during this process. Stay patient and keep the lines of communication open, helping your child make informed decisions about their future.


  1. Follow Up on Applications: Check with your child to ensure that all applications have been submitted and received by the respective colleges. Confirm that transcripts and test scores have been sent as well.
  2. Scholarship Applications: Continue to research and apply for scholarships. Many scholarship deadlines fall in the winter months, so stay organized and encourage your child to apply for relevant opportunities.
  3. Financial Aid Award Letters: As colleges start to release financial aid award letters in the spring, help your child compare offers to understand the true cost of attendance at each institution.
  4. Decision-Making Process: Support your child as they begin to receive acceptance letters. Help them weigh the pros and cons of each school and make an informed decision.
  5. Campus Visits: If your child has been accepted to multiple colleges, consider scheduling additional campus visits to the top choices. Attending admitted student events can provide valuable insights.
  6. Housing and Orientation: Assist your child in researching and registering for housing options and orientation sessions at the college they plan to attend.
  7. Transition Planning: Begin discussing practical aspects of the transition to college, such as what to pack, dorm essentials, and any required documentation.
  8. Celebrate Achievements: Continue to celebrate your child's successes and milestones, whether it's an acceptance letter, scholarship award, or other achievements.
  9. Finalize Decision: By the end of the winter, your child should ideally have a clear idea of the college they plan to attend. Pay attention to any enrollment deadlines and requirements.
  10. Financial Planning: Review the financial aid packages and discuss any necessary financial arrangements with your child.
  11. Encourage Independence: While you continue to offer guidance, encourage your child to take ownership of their college-related tasks and decisions.
  12. Prepare for Graduation: If your child's high school has graduation ceremonies, start planning for any necessary arrangements such as tickets, attire, and travel.
  13. Transition Support: Offer emotional support as your child prepares for this significant transition. Address any concerns they may have about leaving home and starting college.
  14. Healthcare and Documentation: Ensure your child's medical and vaccination records are up-to-date, and help them understand the health services available on campus.
  15. Stay Connected: Maintain open communication with your child about their expectations, concerns, and excitement regarding the upcoming college experience.

The winter months mark the final stretch of the college application journey. By staying organized, supportive, and attentive, you can help your child navigate this critical phase with confidence.


  1. Decision Confirmation: Ensure that your child officially accepts the offer from their chosen college by the required deadline. This often involves submitting a deposit.
  2. Financial Aid Review: Review and finalize financial aid packages. Make sure you and your child understand the terms and any remaining steps to secure aid.
  3. Housing Selection: Help your child complete any necessary housing applications or preferences, if they haven't already done so.
  4. Final Transcripts: Verify with the high school that your child's final transcripts will be sent to the college they plan to attend.
  5. AP Exams and Standardized Tests: If your child is taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams or any final standardized tests, ensure they are well-prepared.
  6. Graduation Preparations: Assist with arrangements for your child's high school graduation, including tickets, attire, and any related celebrations.
  7. Orientation and Registration: Register for new student orientation and any required placement tests. Familiarize your child with the college's campus and resources.
  8. Transition Planning: Discuss practical matters such as packing for college, what to bring, and any necessary paperwork or documentation.
  9. Healthcare and Insurance: Ensure your child has access to health insurance coverage and understands how to use campus health services.
  10. Financial Arrangements: Set up any necessary payment plans for tuition and other fees. Review budgeting strategies for college expenses.
  11. Goodbye Events: Attend any farewell events or gatherings organized by your child's high school to celebrate the graduating class.
  12. Emotional Support: Understand that your child may experience a mix of emotions as they prepare to leave home. Offer a supportive and understanding ear.
  13. Saying Goodbye: Help your child say goodbye to friends and family members before they head off to college. Plan special moments to create lasting memories.
  14. Packing and Move-In: Assist your child in packing their belongings for college. Check the college's guidelines for move-in dates, procedures, and what to bring.
  15. Last-Minute Details: Confirm that your child has all necessary documentation, student ID, and other essentials before leaving for college.
  16. Maintain Communication: Set up a plan for staying in touch with your child during their time at college. Discuss expectations for communication frequency.
  17. Prepare for Change: As your child transitions to college life, be prepared for adjustments in your own routines and daily life.
  18. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate your child's high school achievements and express pride in their growth and accomplishments.

The spring months mark the culmination of your child's high school journey and the beginning of their exciting college adventure.


In summary, by following these checklists throughout the senior year, parents can provide valuable support to their children as they navigate the college application process and prepare for the exciting transition to college life.