College Scholarships

College Scholarships Grants

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Important November Dates

Important November Dates

July 19, 2024CSG Team

For a high school senior, November is another critical month in the college application process. Here’s a list of tasks and dates that you might need to keep in mind:

  1. Early Decision and Early Action Deadlines: Many colleges have Early Decision and Early Action deadlines on November 1 or November 15. Make sure all your materials are in order if you're applying early.
  2. Regular Decision Preparation: For colleges with later deadlines, continue working on your applications. This includes essays, gathering supplemental materials, and ensuring that your recommendations are being processed.
  3. FAFSA and CSS Profile: If you haven’t already, submit your FAFSA and CSS Profile (if applicable) to be considered for financial aid. Some schools have priority deadlines in November.
  4. Scholarship Applications: Continue to search and apply for scholarships. Some scholarships may have deadlines in November or December.
  5. SAT/ACT Scores: If you took a late October test, make sure to send your scores to the colleges of your choice. Also, check if there are any last-chance testing opportunities in December, for which you need to register in November.
  6. College Visits: If you still have schools you're interested in but haven't visited, try to do so. Some schools also offer virtual tours.
  7. Thanksgiving Break: Use this time to finalize applications if you're planning to apply to colleges with December deadlines.
  8. Interviews: If you haven't already had an interview and your colleges offer or require them, make sure to schedule or complete them.
  9. Follow Up: Check with your schools to ensure that all your application materials have been received, including test scores, letters of recommendation, transcripts, and portfolios.
  10. Stay Organized: Keep track of each college's specific financial aid and scholarship deadlines. These can vary widely from school to school.
  11. Community College and Alternative Paths: If you're considering community college, technical schools, or other educational paths, check their deadlines and requirements as well—they might differ from four-year institutions.
  12. Work on Personal Statements and Supplements: If you’re applying to colleges with December or January deadlines, continue refining your personal statements and supplemental essays.
  13. Plan for Final Exams: Don't let college applications distract you from your current high school courses. Final exams may be coming up, and strong grades can be crucial to your admissions decisions.
  14. Decision Plan Preparation: If you applied early action or early decision, prepare for the outcomes. Have a plan for both acceptance and if the decision is deferred or denied.

Remember to check the specific dates for the colleges you’re interested in and mark any last-minute admissions workshops or financial aid events that your school or local organizations might be hosting. Keep in close contact with your school’s guidance counselor throughout the month to ensure you’re on track with your college planning process.