College Scholarships

College Scholarships

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Seth Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Military

July 1
$500 - $4,000

The Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Military and Security Applications aims to promote the development and application of process modeling and operations research (OR) analyses to defense-related applications, including military and national security issues.

To promote the development and application of process modeling and operations research analyses to military issues. Applicants must be students pursuing doctoral studies in military operations research or a related discipline is eligible, particularly those with two to three years remaining in their programs.

Selection will be the basis of excellence, innovation, preparation, and probability of a candidate's success. Candidates will be evaluated on the quality of their practice to undertake a program of applied operations research in the military and national security arena. The proposed program of study will be judged according to its potential for contributing significantly to the field of applied OR in defense-related applications, including military and national security, and the likelihood of successful completion.

Funds $1,000 $2,000 and $4,000

Duration Annual.

Number of Awards 1+

To Apply, the Applicant must submit a curriculum vita; two letters of support (note: in a few cases, when it is needed to fully represent the academic and practical strengths of an application, a third letter may be appropriate); a brief statement describing why they are interested in applying operations research to defense-related applications, including military and national security issues; a two-page summary of their proposed program of research.

Number of Recipients:
Contact Information:

Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences

5521 Research Park Dr., Ste. 200
Catonsville, MD 21228

Toll Free Number 800-446-3676

Phone Number (443)757-3500